The need for definition
The project for post-earthquake reconstruction of the city of Skopje represented the occasion for world architects and urban planners to accomplish a truly world project, the universal project promoting the universal values of the humanity achieved through the tools and instruments of architecture and international collaboration. The Skopje project demonstrated the importance of architecture as a collaborative effort in the divided world promoting the belief that the construction of the human habitat is a humane way to solve socio-political and economic obstacles of the contemporary world.
What if the reconstruction of Skopje happened today? What if, in the aftermath of the catastrophic disaster, the same unilateral call to solidarity occurred and the entire world came together in support of the city? What if leadership insisted on using this catastrophe as an opportunity to find new models for economic, infrastructural, political, and urban reconstruction?
If that happened, what would architects, planners, policymakers, economists, sociologists, and other committed participants to reconstruction identify as the most pressing obstacles blocking a city from achieving recovery, unity, equity, and freedom?
Based on the assumption that the fundamental ambition of the city is to enable freedom for its citizens, we ask for each writer to submit a statement elaborated as a paper that defines the contemporary challenges that we must overcome and the future possibilities in order to enable freedom for the citizens of a city. In essence, what are the potential new definition(s) for cities and the built environment?
Eligible Participants
The Skopje Project is interested in gathering together the widest possible variety of contributions. Potential participants are (but not limited to) Architects, Artist Designers, Engineers, Geographers, Landscape Architects, Planners, PhD Students, Scholars
Thematic areas
Urbanism, Reconstruction, City, Architecture, Infrastructure, Policy, Geography, Territory, Resilience, Representation, Planetary Urbanism
How to Apply
Participation is free. The authors are invited to send the abstract by 1st November 2020 to the following e-mail The abstract will be subjected to a triple-blind peer review process by a scientific review committee. Contributions must be written in English. Abstracts must be written in font Arial size 10 points. All texts (including footnotes) should be edited according to the Oxford Style Manual. Following the review process, the selected authors will be expected to send the develop the paper and submitted no later than March 01, 2021. The full papers will be published in a volume at a national publishing house. The editing rules to be followed for the definitive version of the full paper will be available on the conference website. Authors whose work is selected for publication will be informed and will then start collaborating with the editorial board in order to complete the preparation of the publication
Submission Requirements
- Authors, affiliation,email and short biography (maximum 150 words)
- Abstracts must be sent digitally in .doc format
- Title of the proposed contribution 5 keywords
- Abstract (maximum 600 words, bibliographical references excluded)
- Bibliographic references with author-year citation system
- An image (.tif or .jpg format) 300 dpi resolution, and with caption
- Must be submitted in English
- The abstract should be named using this format: SURNAME_TITLE.DOC.